Monday, September 14, 2009

Crusing the Mediterranean

I took 3 weeks off work to celebrate my birthday, Brandon's birthday and enjoy the beautiful weather and sites of the I took 3 weeks off work to celebrate my birthday, Brandon's birthday and enjoy the beautiful weather and sites of the I took 3 weeks off work to celebrate my birthday, Brandon's birthday and enjoy the beautiful weather and sites of the I took 3 weeks off work to celebrate my birthday, Brandon's birthday and enjoy the beautiful weather and sites of the Mediterranean. We made ten stops: Venice, Athens, Kusadasi, Istanbul, Mykonos, Naples, Rome, Livorno, Monaco, and Barcelona. Turkey and Greece had the best food and shopping. The gelato was divine everywhere. I never got enough. Brandon however could have had less walking and less sun and less buffett. Something is wrong with him. I am pleased to report that I didn't gain any weight on my cruise. I attribute this to my apathy of dessert and the bowel issues that inevitably accompany all overseas adventures. I love mylanta. Before I get too personal here are the pictures.